RaCial justice and reconciliation

May 30, 2020

2.42 Church of San Marcos exists to know Jesus and do his work together.

That’s our vision statement, and if we’re serious about knowing Jesus and doing his work together, then there are some things that we as a church need to say.

We are sick of racism in our country and sick of justice being denied to people who are made in the image of God.

2.42 Church of San Marcos fully and unequivocally renounces any and all expressions, directly or indirectly, of hate and racism toward Black communities. The murder of George Floyd and the mistreatment of protesters over the last few days are unspeakable, and sadly, not uncommon. The historical truth of mainstream churches reveals an uncomfortable reality that cannot go unaddressed—a long track record of being silent at best and, at worst, complicit while injustice and hatred run rampant throughout the United States.

We acknowledge that most of our members – and all of our current staff team – do not understand what it’s like to grow up as a person of color in our country. Most of us are learning far too late in life, and far too slowly, just how evil our nation’s collective treatment is towards people of color.

One of 2.42 Church’s core values is that through the person of Jesus Christ, we are being made complete together . We believe that all humanity is created in the image of God and that life is sacred for all, regardless of the color of one’s skin. As a church, we join together in the call for all who perpetrate race-driven violence to be brought to justice.

For many years, in cities across the country, this tragic story has repeated itself far too often. At 2.42, we don’t have all the answers, but we are committed to prayerfully planning and actively responding to racial injustice. We should no longer take the liberty of “waiting for the full story.” We mourn with all families and communities who are directly affected by such injustices. We hurt for those who are traumatized once again by the actions of unloving citizens and officials. We lament the evil of racism and commit ourselves to purging it in both our hearts and our structures.

To the Black community we want to say we’re sorry for everything you’ve been put through – especially at the hands of the church who claimed, and continue to claim, to know the love of Jesus.

To the white Christian community who continues to commit and to refuse to acknowledge the evils being done, we beg you to let the Holy Spirit lead you to repent and to begin cooperating with his work of bringing justice to the world.

To our members who are affected by these tragedies—especially our members of color—please know that you are loved by this church and a great God. We will work to protect you, fight alongside you, and love you. Your experiences will be listened to and responded to with utmost sincerity. We will fight for justice together, and you will not be alone.


"He has told you, human one, what is good and what the Lord requires from you: to do justice, embrace faithful love, and walk humbly with your God."

Micah 6:8